Neurological Acupuncture  Did you know that acupuncture is one of the best ways to restore health to the brain, whether it is post trauma or simply mental health?  There are so many aspects to acupuncture for neurological health, today, we will only discuss the basic outline. Your cerebellum (a structure that is located at the...
As fall arrives and the energetic outward movement of yang summer transforms into the deep inward reflective yin of winter, we too should remember to allow space for the transition inwards. Thoughts become more pensive, we start to crave tea and books over beer and socializing, and there is a need for deep rest after all the goings of summer. Fall...
   Family acupuncture was the way of family health care back in the day. Back before Western Medicine decided the human body needed to be divided up into many different parts and looked at like a machine rather than a human with a heart and soul. In our past, family doctors were exactly that, family...
Shoulder Pain: Acupuncture to the Rescue!  Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could get one acupuncture treatment and all your problems were fixed and gone forever? Unfortunately, life conspires to make that nearly impossible. In today’s world of technology and computers, phones and tablets, the amount of looking down and using your hands and arms...
Pain costs the U.S. billions of dollars a year, and back pain alone runs the costs over $134 Billion a year. According to a recent article on the costs of low back pain (LBP) in the U.S., “Low back and neck pain – $76.9 billion paid by private insurance, $45.2 billion paid by public insurance,...
Did you know stroke can happen to anyone at any age? You don’t have to be old and overweight with high blood pressure to have a stroke. You can be young or old or in-between. You can be black, white, brown, male or female, short or tall, strokes do not care what you look like...
Summer in Chinese Medicine is associated with the element of Fire and the Organ of the Heart.  Summer is a great time to relish in what brings you joy; go to the beach, enjoy a picnic with friends, explore someplace new. Joy nourishes the Heart and keeps the Heart energy open and flowing.  It helps...
Stop drinking lots of fluids after 5p.m. (If you’re thirsty, sip water. Don’t guzzle 32 ounces of water before bed, you’ll be up several times at night getting rid of that fluid!) Avoid alcoholic beverages before bed, although they make you sleepy, they interrupt your true ability to sleep. Avoid heavy exercise late in the...
Spring in Chinese medicine is associated with the Element of Wood and the Organ of the Liver.  Spring is a great time to blossom out of our winter stagnation and get our bodies moving more.  Spring is a perfect time to start that exercise routine we put off and start walking more in order to...
We have made it across the dimensions to the 8th dimension of mental and emotional health and wellbeing!  The last stop on our exploration, but far from the least important. Mental and emotional health have been gaining traction as the importance of self care, therapy and self regulation skills have become more accepted as part...