Shoulder Pain and Discomfort

  • Do you suffer from shoulder pain? 
  • Is it difficult to lift your arm up to reach something? 
  • Is it hard to reach behind your back? 
  • Do you have pain when you attempt to lift something? 
  • Do you have a frozen shoulder where you can barely move your arm at all?

Did you know acupuncture can help with shoulder pain? The treatment varies according to where your pain is, so we look at the trajectory of the pain to determine which channels to treat. We may utilize liniments, medicated herbal plasters, moxibustion, electrical stimulation, and manual therapy to heal your shoulder pain.

Acupuncture works by reducing inflammation, clearing pain, and re-establishing the smooth flow of energy so you have a better range of motion and freedom from pain. The first treatment often reduces pain substantially and follow-up treatments solve the pain problem ….in some cases, never to return, in others, there is a need for pain management that can vary depending on the severity of the problem.

Don’t suffer needlessly any longer! Call us today to see how acupuncture can help you feel stronger and move better. Call 910.262.1122 or schedule an appointment

middle age man standing outside staring

overcoming adversity

Putting the Freeze on Shoulder Pain

67-year-old male diagnosed with frozen shoulder. Unable to lift his arm more than halfway. A difficult case that took multiple treatments with a lot of adjunctive therapies (tuina, moxa, plasters, ROM exercises, estim, etc. ) but after several weeks of treatments he was able to lift his arm and resume normal activities. He now maintains his ROM with occasional treatments and regular massage.

overcoming adversity

Regaining Range of Motion Post Surgery

Torn rotator cuff pain. 35-year-old male. 8/10 shoulder pain from torn rotator cuff in the left shoulder. Was able to postpone surgery for several years with acupuncture, but eventually had to get surgery because the tear was so severe. Received acupuncture post surgery to help with recovery and pain management. Has complete use of arm and shoulder now.

A young man
Man lifting weights at the gym

overcoming adversity

Lifting Spirits

Slight tear on the right rotator cuff. 55-year-old very active male. Unable to push or lift anything straight out in front. Had to stop lifting at the gym and could no longer do pushups or pullups. Highly upset about this turn of events. He received only two acupuncture treatments but was put on a regimen of herbs and plasters that are healing the tear. He is able to lift again and is back in the gym on a regular basis.

Need help? Book a consultation and learn if our treatment is right for you