First, remember it is not good to come to acupuncture on an empty stomach or an overly full stomach. Try to eat a little snack before your treatment.
After your consultation, you will get on the treatment table. You usually do not have to get undressed but it is helpful if you wear clothes that allow access to your arms and legs. (Tight leg jeans are not recommended, sweatpants or yoga pants are best.) We may palpate you to get an idea of where you are tight and where you have pain.
When you are treated with the needles, remember, these are tiny, solid, sterile, single-use needles! There is little to no chance of infection. We use a small gauge needle so you don’t feel it and it rarely hurts when it goes in. You may feel something upon the arrival of qi (deqi) to the needle such as tingling, achy, electrical, heavy, dull, etc. It’s different for every person, point, and situation. That is when you know that energy is moving, things are shifting and healing is happening. If anything is too uncomfortable we will adjust the needles or pull them out. It’s very important to let us know because nothing should hurt after your needles are in.
We turn down the lights and let you rest for approximately 20-30 minutes. This is a good time to listen to your body, feel the energy moving, or just rest. It is often an intense relaxation experience.
After, we come in and pull the needles out, (they are disposed of directly into a Sharp’s container) and see how you’re feeling. When you’re finished, we’ll schedule your next appointment and you go on to have a wonderful day! It is recommended that you don’t do anything too strenuous or crazy right after a treatment. If you are too relaxed or lightheaded it is good to wait a few minutes before you attempt to drive.
We recommend staying hydrated post treatment and the next day.