Family Acupuncture: The Best Way Now for Family Health
Family acupuncture was the way of family health care back in the day. Back before Western Medicine decided the human body needed to be divided up into many different parts and looked at like a machine rather than a human with a heart and soul. In our past, family doctors were exactly that, family doctors, and before them we had Wise Medicine Women. Both of whom cared for your entire family from birth to death. In another part of the world family acupuncture was simply the way things operated.
Usually, there is not one person on the planet that really knows your family’s health and the dynamics of the family unit.
What would it be like to go back to having a true family health care practitioner? Someone you can bring your infants in to see in addition to your aging parents? That is what we offer here at Infinity Acupuncture when you are under Rashell Greene’s L.Ac care. She treats everyone from the newborn infant to the failing grandparent and helps them live the best that life has to offer.
When a child is brought in for acupuncture, they do not get needled with acupuncture needles. Rashell will use different tools to work with them to help them stay healthy. Please see our Pediatric Page Here.
If you bring your teenager in for the inevitable injury or anxiety issues that seem to arise during those challenging years, they may get acupuncture if they’re ready for it, but not necessarily if they’re not. Rashell will work with them at whatever level they need to be seen. The good news is, the younger the patient, the faster their response to acupuncture and the more quickly the benefits kick in. For example: Anxiety: A common problem among young people these days, is easily addressed with acupuncture with a rapid recovery rate.
Let’s say you need acupuncture yourself! You have some pain, digestive, thyroid or anxiety issues that need to be treated. Any health challenge you have, we can help you with it. The good news is, what is good for you will often help your entire family. Is Rashell giving you dietary guidelines for better health? Those will most likely help the entire family. Is she giving you exercise recommendations? Yep, getting the family involved will help all feel better. Is she showing some acupressure points to do at home for certain issues? Yep, you guessed it, you can help your family with those too.
If you have elderly parents at home who also need care, family acupuncture is great for helping with all of the difficulties of aging such as pain, balance, anxiety, mental cognitive issues, stroke, etc. Bring your parents in and they will have the advantage of feeling younger and healthier than they have in ages.
The brilliant part about using a family doctor like Rashell for all your healthcare needs, is that she knows what is going on with everyone. So, if one person’s problem is causing another person to have issues, she is better poised to help with that than your Western Doc who doesn’t know what’s going on.
We treat not only the entire family, but the entire PERSON Body, Mind and Soul. There is no disconnect between the three in Chinese Medicine because all affect the One. We look forward to helping you help your family by bringing everyone in to see us soon. Please call 910.262.1122 Ext 2 to speak with JJ about how we can help you with your family’s health care needs.
Acupuncture, Health