Category: Health

Winter Solstice- Kidney time!

Winter Solstice is the darkest night of the year. With it comes the great stillness that happens before the return of the sun and its growing warmth and strength. Many cultures throughout history have looked upon the winter solstice as a time of pause for deep rest, reflection and a space for self-care. In our fast-paced hustle and bustle culture and the mentality around doing everything for everyone around the holidays, our Selves are often overlooked and forgotten. The winter solstice invites us to ground down in home and heart and take a look at the Light within. What are our values, joys, intentions? What is it that we want to manifest in our lives and gift to the world? How do we proceed forward with love and honor, yet care for ourselves with deep respect and integrity so that we stay healthy, vibrant and present?

Winter in Chinese medicine is governed by the Kidneys and the element of Water. The kidney’s job is to store our essential energy, our lifeforce and will power for this life. This Winter Solstice, we invite you to take a look at yourself care routine. Do you have space carved out for taking care of your mind, body and spirit? Simple things go a long way; a calming tea, a yoga session, a delicious meal, knitting by a fire, an acupuncture routine, a deep tissue massage, a brisk morning walk along the beach, a therapy appointment, or even an afternoon nap. Winter Solstice invites you to find the self-care practices that work for you and put them into practice so that you build up your energy and willpower to manifest your unique gifts.

Acupuncture, Health, Natural

Transitioning Inwards: Embrace Autumn By Letting Go By Guest Blogger Carmelle Lemaistre

As fall arrives and the energetic outward movement of yang summer transforms into the deep inward reflective yin of winter, we too should remember to allow space for the transition inwards. Thoughts become more pensive, we start to crave tea and books over beer and socializing, and there is a need for deep rest after all the goings of summer.

Fall is the time of completion: leaves are turning, salmon are finishing their journey home, and our gardens are harvested and ready for winter. It is a good season for setting intentions about things we may want to let go of. Whether those “things” are material, emotional or habitual, fall is the time to put them to rest.

If you were looking for a reason to do so, it is energetically the best time of the year to quit smoking from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, or at least give your lungs a break through the transition of seasons.


In Chinese Medicine theory, fall is the season of the Metal element and corresponds to the lungs and large intestine. Metal governs the emotion of grief, controlled by the lungs, and its virtue is acceptance, controlled by the large intestines ability to let go.

As the yin builds and goes inward, we too may find ourselves going into the depths of our closets and revisiting unhealed wounds. Luckily for us, metal is also linked with connection to spirit and completion. Making space for acupuncture treatments, meditation, yoga, nature, or whatever you feel connected spiritually can help soothe the PO (the lung spirit) and vent grief, so it may realize completion.

According to Kaptchuk, “the lungs concern the momentary and ephemeral.” Whatever darkness may be coming up for you now, the lungs remind us to breathe through its impermanence.


The lungs are responsible for circulating fluids and Wei Qi, otherwise known as Defensive Qi, which circulates on the bodies’ surface between the skin and muscle, known as the Cou Li. In western terms, this is most closely analogous to the immune system. If the lung’s Qi is constrained with grief, the Defensive Qi will not rise to the skins surface and we may be susceptible to cold and flu.

Another common reason cold and flu season is falling upon us (pun intended) is that the climactic factor of autumn is dryness. The lungs dislike dryness and this again can inhibit the lungs function of circulating fluids and Defensive Qi. With fluids failing to reach the skin’s surface, we may see exacerbation of skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, or irritations like dry cracked skin and brittle, lackluster hair.

You can combat lung Qi constriction and dryness by putting a few drops of aromatic essential oils, like peppermint or cinnamon, into a hot shower and allowing your lungs to be nourished by the steam. Good quality organic oils like coconut or sesame are wonderful post shower moisturizers to sooth the skin and hair and have been known in Ayurvedic medicine to tonify the nervous system.


The large intestine is the official involved in charge of passage and conduction. Much like in a western ideology, the large intestine’s function is to transform digested food into stool and reabsorb fluids. Emotionally it is responsible for “letting go” and acknowledgement for the sake of moving on. If the large intestine does not receive Qi from the lung or if it is affected by seasonal dryness, it will not have the proper energy or moisture for defecation, resulting in constipation.

Interestingly, I have noticed a clinical connection in patients with chronic constipation who also have deep grief and difficulty acknowledging past traumas. Glossy foods such as honey, spinach, pine nut, and fig and gentle ways to moisten and lubricate the intestines.

If you are in need of something a little stronger, dandelion tea and magnesium might be good options to help move blockages.


Ever heard of your wind gate?  It’s the space between your shoulders and occipital bone⁠—i.e., the back of your neck. Wind in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory refers to both the climactic factor, as well as what we call pathogen invasion⁠ (as in catching a cold).

If the back of your neck is exposed to the breeze, it is susceptible to invasion⁠—chills, fever, cold and fluespecially if our defensive Qi is already seasonally compromised. As the temperature drops, make sure to pop your collar, pull up your hood or wrap a scarf around those wind gates. Let your mantra for the fall be: I shall weather the weather in a high-neck sweater!


A mentor of mine once told me in the classics of Taoism, breathing is the first cure for illness. Worry knots the Qi. You can see this in the stress-tension that builds up in the back and shoulders. Qi stagnation in the chest of women has also been linked to the root of formation of breast lumps.

Sadness and grief constrict the corporeal soul, dissolve lung Qi, and suspend our breathing. The shallow and short breathing of a person who is sad or worried is an example of this… [the lungs are] very important in emotional problems deriving from depression, sadness, grief, anxiety, or bereavement. – Maccioco

Just ten minutes of deep conscious breathing a day can significantly move Qi stagnation, prevent muscle tension, improve energy, lower stress and improve the immune system.


As our energy naturally moves down and inward we may find ourselves needing more rest, sleeping longer hours and having deeper and more vivid dreams. In modern times dreaming is seldom linked to health and healing, but ancient Chinese medicine used the bodies’ intuitive wisdom in diagnosis. Here is what a few classic texts have to say about autumn dreaming.

When the large intestine is deficient, one dreams of open fields; [when] the lungs are in excess, one will have dreams or worry and fear or crying and flying…if the lungs are deficient one will dream of flying and seeing strange objects made of gold or iron. –The Spiritual Axis, Ch. 43

When the lungs are in excess, one dreams of weeping – The Simple Questions, ch. 17

If the lungs are deficient, one will dream of white objects or about bloody killings. – The Simple Questions, ch. 80

Consider keeping a dream journal and writing anything your remember first thing in the morning. It may prove to be useful information for your own insight and practitioner alike.


The essence of Chinese medicine is achieving harmony. A pillar of this way of living is attunement with the seasons, and most importantly, seasonal diets! It’s time to take the raw, fresh, yang energy garden harvest and start cooking, canning and fermenting to build the yin. Look for foods that reflect the beautiful fall colours. Pumpkin, squash, beets, carrots, apples, pears, raisins, dates, rye, spelt, dark leafy greens, yams, and turnips are all best showcased in warmer cooking methods like soups, stews and congees.

The seasonal movement of autumn is contraction, so proper ferments like kimchi, kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut are slightly sour, and are good options to help the body gently contract with the season. They also promote healthy gut flora which will tonify your digestive and immune system. Other pungent spices like cinnamon, ginger and peppermint circulate Qi, support the lung function and keep our bodies warm as the weather gets nippier. Stronger pungents like garlic and onion cleanse and protect the lungs and can fortify the immune system to ward off colds and fever. Just be mindful of their tendency to be drying, as always moderation is key.

Carmelle LeMaistre is a British Columbia-based acupuncturist practicing a fusion of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Japanese Meridian Therapy acupuncture techniques for a relaxing and pain-free experience.   Her background in social justice work has laid the foundation for a passion in building an accessible healthcare practice.  You can learn more about her at Carmelle Lauren Acupuncture and follow her on Instagram.

Acupuncture, Health, Natural

Family Acupuncture: The Best Way Now for Family Health

Family acupuncture was the way of family health care back in the day. Back before Western Medicine decided the human body needed to be divided up into many different parts and looked at like a machine rather than a human with a heart and soul. In our past, family doctors were exactly that, family doctors, and before them we had Wise Medicine Women. Both of whom cared for your entire family from birth to death. In another part of the world family acupuncture was simply the way things operated. 

Usually, there is not one person on the planet that really knows your family’s health and the dynamics of the family unit.

What would it be like to go back to having a true family health care practitioner? Someone you can bring your infants in to see in addition to your aging parents? That is what we offer here at Infinity Acupuncture when you are under Rashell Greene’s L.Ac care. She treats everyone from the newborn infant to the failing grandparent and helps them live the best that life has to offer. 

When a child is brought in for acupuncture, they do not get needled with acupuncture needles. Rashell will use different tools to work with them to help them stay healthy. Please see our Pediatric Page Here. 

If you bring your teenager in for the inevitable injury or anxiety issues that seem to arise during those challenging years, they may get acupuncture if they’re ready for it, but not necessarily if they’re not. Rashell will work with them at whatever level they need to be seen. The good news is, the younger the patient, the faster their response to acupuncture and the more quickly the benefits kick in. For example: Anxiety: A common problem among young people these days, is easily addressed with acupuncture with a rapid recovery rate. 

Let’s say you need acupuncture yourself! You have some pain, digestive, thyroid or anxiety issues that need to be treated. Any health challenge you have, we can help you with it. The good news is, what is good for you will often help your entire family. Is Rashell giving you dietary guidelines for better health? Those will most likely help the entire family. Is she giving you exercise recommendations? Yep, getting the family involved will help all feel better. Is she showing some acupressure points to do at home for certain issues? Yep, you guessed it, you can help your family with those too. 

If you have elderly parents at home who also need care, family acupuncture is great for helping with all of the difficulties of aging such as pain, balance, anxiety, mental cognitive issues, stroke, etc. Bring your parents in and they will have the advantage of feeling younger and healthier than they have in ages. 

The brilliant part about using a family doctor like Rashell for all your healthcare needs, is that she knows what is going on with everyone. So, if one person’s problem is causing another person to have issues, she is better poised to help with that than your Western Doc who doesn’t know what’s going on.  

We treat not only the entire family, but the entire PERSON Body, Mind and Soul. There is no disconnect between the three in Chinese Medicine because all affect the One. We look forward to helping you help your family by bringing everyone in to see us soon. Please call 910.262.1122 Ext 2 to speak with JJ about how we can help you with your family’s health care needs.

Acupuncture, Health
Acupuncture tools neatly arranged on a tray, symbolizing the precise and gentle care provided at Infinity Acupuncture.

Shoulder Pain! Is It Driving You Insane?

Shoulder Pain: Acupuncture to the Rescue! 

Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could get one acupuncture treatment and all your problems were fixed and gone forever? Unfortunately, life conspires to make that nearly impossible. In today’s world of technology and computers, phones and tablets, the amount of looking down and using your hands and arms in positions they were never designed for, create long term, chronic issues. So, it takes consistent regular acupuncture and body work to unwind those patterns. 

Do you struggle with neck and or shoulder pain, maybe even thumb and hand pain? The first thing you must do is begin to pay attention! Pay attention to how you are holding your neck when you are looking at your phone or computer …are you always gazing down? If so, be sure to take periodic breaks and look up and away and side to side, as far over each shoulder as you can. When you are outside, remember to look up at the stars or clouds and give your neck and head a break. 

Another thing to check yourself on is how you are holding your phone. If you are grasping it with fingers and thumbs and using thumbs to support the phone and type on it, you are heading for serious repetitive-use pain and anguish. Again, it’s all about paying attention and changing the way you do things. If you begin to make changes before you have pain and problems, it will make your hands very happy!  

So, noticing what you’re doing to cause your pain is the first step in addressing it. The second step is to treat it. One of the best ways to treat chronic muscular pain is consistent, regular acupuncture.  One of our skilled acupuncturists will know how to unwind and release trigger points (hyperirritable spots that feel like knots, that refer pain to other areas of the body) and also release the adhesions in the fascia that contribute to the muscles staying out of their correct pattern. 

Pain patterns begin when muscle cells and fascia, the connective tissue that holds everything together, begin to adhere together in patterns they aren’t designed to be in. For example, the bent head posture so many of us are guilty of from looking down at our phones and tablets. Over time, the back muscles get elongated and tight and the front chest muscles end up shortened and stiff. It becomes more and more difficult to stand up straight and put your shoulders back. As you age, you can develop what is known as the 42 pound head, which is what your head seems to weigh to your spine when the head posture is too far forward. As part of your consultation, we will look at your posture and determine what muscles are inhibited and which ones are lengthened and need to be retrained. We will use acupuncture, herbs, topical herbs and special exercises to help you get back to a pain free body and mind. 

Consistent acupuncture and bodywork will help you unwind and then retrain those muscles so you are out of pain and can stand up straight again. Call us today to find out more, or feel free to book online. One of our acupuncturists can help you unwind that “tech neck” and those forward shoulders so you feel great and look great too!  910.262.1122 Ext 2

Acupuncture, Health

Are You One of the 2 out of 5 Adults Who Suffer from Back Pain?

Pain costs the U.S. billions of dollars a year, and back pain alone runs the costs over $134 Billion a year. According to a recent article on the costs of low back pain (LBP) in the U.S., “Low back and neck pain – $76.9 billion paid by private insurance, $45.2 billion paid by public insurance, and $12.3 billion paid by individuals out-of-pocket. “ (see Footnote 1)

Acupuncture for chronic LBP was recognized by the American College of Physicians several years ago as a recommended treatment before pain medicine  (Footnote 2) but few medical doctors follow the new guidelines.

Research has shown that acupuncture is effective for chronic LBP as shown by this systematic review. “For chronic LBP, consistent evidence shows that acupuncture is more effective for pain relief and functional improvement at short-term follow-ups when compared to no treatment or when used with other conventional therapies; these results had medium to large clinical effects. According to these findings, it is encouraging to note that acupuncture, either used in isolation or as an adjunct to other interventions, has been demonstrated as an effective clinical option for patients with chronic LBP and should be advocated in routine clinical practice.” (Footnote 3)

As we know from treating hundreds of patients over the years, the typical Western methodology to treat back pain doesn’t always work. We have some patients who have suffered Chronic Low Back Pain (LBP) for years until they make it in for acupuncture treatment and finally get relief. 

If you want to learn more about how we can help you with low back pain, please, give us a call at 910.262.1122 and speak with JJ about scheduling a consultation. We look forward to helping you live the life you want, pain free with plenty of movement and activity!

Acupuncture, Health, Natural, Therapy

Think a Stroke Can’t Happen to You? Think Again!

Did you know stroke can happen to anyone at any age? You don’t have to be old and overweight with high blood pressure to have a stroke. You can be young or old or in-between. You can be black, white, brown, male or female, short or tall, strokes do not care what you look like on the outside, only what damage they can do to your insides.

Strokes can be life altering in many ways.  Preventing immediate and long term damage is of the utmost importance. You need to know the information below, not only for yourself, but for anyone who has a stroke while in front of you.

  • Know BE FAST- the signs of a stroke and when it’s time to Call 911

B – Balance

The person may suddenly have trouble with balance or coordination.

E – Eyes

They could experience sudden blurred, double or total loss of vision. This can happen in one or both eyes.

F- Facial drooping

Specifically one side.  Ask the person to smile to notice if the smile is uneven.

A-  Arm weakness

Have the person raise both arms at the same time…does one arm drift downwards instead of raising up?

S- Speech difficulties 

             Slurred or abnormal speech, words don’t make sense

T- Time to call 911

Time is of the essence. You have very little time to get help to mitigate the damage that the stroke can cause

**Other signs may include one sided numbness, confusion, difficulty walking and or a severe headache with no known cause.

  1. Accept immediate medical attention provided.  Time and western medical care is essential in these early moments of a stroke both to save a life as well as to decrease long term damage. Care within the first 60 minutes to 24 hours can be life changing.
  1. Seek therapeutic modalities –  Once out of the danger zone and into the recovery zone there is much work  to be done to help lingering speech difficulties and paralysis.
  • Find a good physical therapist and be sure to do your at-home exercises.
  • Find a speech therapist if aphasia is present.
  • Find an acupuncturist!  Acupuncture in the early stages is very helpful for rewiring and getting all those nerve connections back on track!  It is also the perfect addition to other modalities because it will make everything more effective. In America, it is not known well enough to be recommended by neurologists ( which we consider a crime against humanity). Including acupuncture in early stroke recovery can be the difference between walking and not walking, having paralysis in one arm or not, having the ability to speak well or not. (Keep in mind that we’ve been able to help post stroke patients recover more fully even if their stroke was over 2 years prior, but think where they could have been if they’d come in earlier!)
  1. Make appropriate lifestyle changes–  Incorporating new habits into a stroke recovery lifestyle can be vital.  Eating healthy and getting great nutrition is key in having the right nourishment to get back on track.  Taking high quality supplements can be an essential addition to this time period as well.  This can be a great time to incorporate meditation, and/or simple modified qigong exercises.
  1. Seek out a counselor with experience with stroke patients–  This is often highly overlooked.  But the mental, emotional and spiritual toll a stroke can have on a person is not to be downplayed.  Finding someone to talk to when able and ready can be very helpful in processing the trauma, coping with new ways of life and maintaining the motivation to keep working towards recovery.

If you or someone you know has suffered a stroke and has any lingering side effects, please reach out to us to see how we can help with acupuncture and additional therapies. JJ will get you scheduled for a consultation with Rashell to determine how we can help. 910.262.1122

Please watch our video with Richard below to see how we were able to help him walk again two years after he had his stroke.

We also recommend watching the Ted Talk,  My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor.  As a leading neuroscientist, she gives incredible insight into what was happening to her brain as she was experiencing a stroke.

Health, Relaxation, Stress, Therapy

The Joys of Summer!

Summer in Chinese Medicine is associated with the element of Fire and the Organ of the Heart.  Summer is a great time to relish in what brings you joy; go to the beach, enjoy a picnic with friends, explore someplace new. Joy nourishes the Heart and keeps the Heart energy open and flowing.  It helps us recharge and find that passion that keeps us fully engaged with life.  Summer, according to Chinese medicine, represents a period of growth.  All the flowers are fully opening, fresh fruits and vegetables are peaking and it is the time when ripening occurs to bring everything to its full potential and purpose.  We can harness this energy in our own lives and allow ourselves to align with the energy of summer while aligning with our life’s purpose.

It’s important in the summer to stay well hydrated and cool down when needed so that the element of fire does not blaze out of control.  Foods like watermelon, cucumbers, water chestnuts, mung beans and lettuce help to cool the heat while still nourishing our bodies.  Chrysanthemum tea is also cooling and moistening and helps to replenish your body in the summer heat.

During the summer it is also important to moderate our air conditioning exposure.  Sure we all want to cool down, but going from extreme hot to extreme cold leaves us vulnerable to those summertime colds.  Try moderating indoor temperatures by having the air conditioning a little warmer or by being sure to not have the air blowing on top of you (especially the back of your neck) while you work and sleep. 

Getting acupuncture in the summer helps our mind, body and spirit align with our full potential!

Acupuncture will help keep your body feeling good and ready to engage with summertime activities. It will keep your mind calm and able to work through stress more readily, and will keep your heart healthy and ready for each day!

If you’re not sure how healthy your heart is, or you feel like your heart can use a tune-up, emotionally and physically, give us a call for a tune-up treatment. And, remember, it’s always good to get a seasonal transition treatment when the seasons change. Schedule yours before June 21st for best results! Call JJ at 910.262.1122 or book online. 

Acupuncture, Anxiety, Health, Organic, Relaxation, Spa, Stress, Therapy