We are a product of our environment.  We are inextricably connected to the world around us and are deeply impacted and influenced by our surroundings.  This 7th dimension expands across the environment we create in our homes, our community, and our work environment, to the quality of our air, water and soil.  Environmental health focuses...
 The 6th dimension of Vocational Health invites us to explore our relationship to our work in the world and dives into the subjective realms of satisfaction and fulfillment.  There is an art to discerning what passions to follow, what skills to sharpen and what qualities and talents to nurture.  No job holds the keys to...
 The 5th dimension of spiritual health holds center stage in some people’s lives while holding little emphasis in others.  Which one are you? As mentioned in our earlier introduction, the goal is not to seek an equal balance between each dimension, but rather an invitation to find the most authentic expression of who you are...
  The fourth dimension of wellness is financial health which invites us to explore: Our relationship with money Our ability to manage resources Our capacity to plan ahead and put those plans into action in our lives   For some, making investments, using financial spreadsheets and 5 year financial plans are second nature, while for others,...
The 3rd Dimension of Health: Social Health, It Can Save Your Life!   As part of our exploration of the 8 Dimensions of Health, today we are going to explore Social Health, which can be defined as our capacity to create and maintain meaningful and fulfilling relationships with others.  In what ways are we willing...
As part of our exploration of the 8 Dimensions of Health, today we are going to discuss Physical Health and ways you can be in your body comfortably.    Physical health by far receives the most publicity and emphasis in our modern world.  The body is an intersection point for all of the dimensions of...
Many ask how they can help support their healing in between treatments.  Keeping inflammation down can greatly help maintain the changes and shifts occurring during your acupuncture sessions.   First, it is important to understand what inflammation is and how it impacts your body.  Inflammation is a natural process in the body that takes place...
There is often a tendency to perceive wellness, health and healing in a linear and goal oriented fashion. Our modern society highlights physical appearance and physical health while the importance of the invisible aspects of wellness are often overshadowed and underemphasized.  What would happen if we were to expand our perception of “wellness” wide enough...
According to the website Anxiety.org,  anxiety disorders are characterized by a general feature of excessive fear (i.e. emotional response to perceived or real threat) and/or anxiety (i.e. worrying about a future threat) and can have negative behavioral and emotional consequences. Anxiety manifests in different ways for different people. Do you: Often have a sense of...
Are you sleeping 8 hours a night? Are you getting an hour or more of deep sleep and a lot of good REM (the dream state) sleep? If not, you’re performing lower than your optimal level and you’re probably not even aware of it.   So many of us are sleep deprived and operating at...