Neurological Acupuncture
Did you know that acupuncture is one of the best ways to restore health to the brain, whether it is post trauma or simply mental health?
There are so many aspects to acupuncture for neurological health, today, we will only discuss the basic outline.
Your cerebellum (a structure that is located at the back of the brain under the occipital and temporal lobes) controls the smooth action and coordination of movements. If your blood supply to that part of your brain has been compromised by a fall, a car accident or anything that shook your head wildly, you could have proprioception problems. This means you may have trouble walking, have drop foot or other issues, in addition to struggling to understand where you are in space (which can cause balance issues.) It can also lead to emotional problems, more on that below.
Acupuncture is one of the best medicines for addressing brian issues because not only does it have the ability to address the brain through neuropuncture (Fine, tiny needles inserted along the scalp), research has shown that needles inserted in other parts of the body affect the brain in very specific ways. Adding electric stimulation at specific hertz levels also helps the brain heal even faster.
For example, the point commonly referred to as Bladder 10 (BL10), is used to treat gait and neurological issues, cerebellum issues, eye pain, and blurry vision. It is used for epilepsy, mania and excessive talking and also helps calm the spirit. These are only a few of the things that this point helps with, and you understand why when you realize its location on the back of the neck. It is located on the lateral side of the trapezius muscle, at the base of the neck and the hairline and about one inch off the midline. You know, that place you’re always massaging when your neck gets too tight!
Combine BL10 with other powerful points and you have treatments that have been shown to enhance blood flow to the cerebral and basilar arteries in the brain. This helps with cognition and the ability to control one’s thoughts. This type of treatment helps with the ability to regulate emotions, therefore it can help with mood disorders, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, depression etc.
Brain trauma can cause significant damage to a person in multiple ways. In future blog, we will discuss more in depth about Post -Concussion Syndrome and why acupuncture is at the leading edge to help people once western medicine says you’re “fine” but you know you’re not.
Reach out to us at Infinity Acupuncture to find out if you can be helped with neuro acupuncture. Call 910.262.1122 today. Your brain will be so happy you did!