The Zhi, Willpower and Resolutions


In Chinese Medicine, every organ is associated with a season.  This means each organ is affected by both the climatic factors of the season as well as the energetic aspect. Winter is associated with the Kidneys. The Kidneys according to Chinese medicine are responsible for storing our essence or “jing”.  This essence is used throughout our lifetime for growth, reproduction, maturation, and big transitions and changes.  The Kidneys have influence over the health of our bones, teeth, hearing, and hair and overall energy.   As we age, our essence naturally declines and we can see that in our graying hair, decreased hearing, and need to care for our aging bones, teeth and body.  We can also feel our essence tapped into when we go-go-go and feel run down without energy after putting forth our best selves.  Jing is like a back up battery in these cases of overdoing…we tap into it when we push thru and need extra energy.   Western Medicine often sees this as adrenal fatigue…associated with the kidneys since the adrenal glands sit on top the kidneys.  Chinese medicine views this as using up our essence…also associated with the Kidneys!   

Throughout the ages people have come up with different routines and exercises that preserve our life force and help us live longer, age more gracefully, and live with more health and vitality along the way.  You can see this desire come out in people’s New Year’s resolutions.  As we come into the beginning of a new year many try to implement new health routines, kick bad habits, add in new healthy habits, change diets and in general put forth energy to maintain healthy living.  The key ingredient to being successful with our New Year’s resolutions is Will Power.  Interestingly enough…the energetic aspect of the kidneys is called the “zhi” and is translated roughly as the Will. 

Whatever your New Year’s resolution may be, we recommend nourishing your kidneys. This will increase your will and energy in order to achieve your goals and live your best life.  Nourish your kidneys by slowing down to get that extra rest, drink plenty of fluids and even warm fluids if its cold where you live, add some Qi Gong into your life, and eat kidney nourishing foods like, blueberries, seaweed, goji berries, black beans, black sesame, and bone broths.   Acupuncture is incredibly helpful for nourishing the kidneys. Your acupuncturist can give you even more added tips for you to do at home to help keep you on track to achieving your New Year’s resolutions.    

To help you have a great year, get back on the schedule with acupuncture. You know you feel better, sleep more deeply and have more energy with regular treatments! Call JJ today to book your next appointment.   910-262-1122 Ext 2.
