Spring Equinox: What It Means From A CM Perspective


Spring is right around the corner! The warmer weather, blooming flowers and pollen popping give us the physical signs that Spring is near. The Spring Equinox is the hallmark date of Spring’s official arrival with an equal 12 hours between sunrise and sunset. Now we only have longer days to look forward to from the 20th. Many of us don’t realize that our bodies are also giving us signs that the season’s transition is upon us. Winter was a time of going within, being a bit slower, and having more rest and reflection. As Spring nears, the longer days and increased sunshine calls us to reactivate and get moving again.  

In Chinese Medicine, Spring and its active energy is associated with the Liver/Gallbladder.  The liver is responsible for the smooth and free flow of Qi in the body.  After a Winter of being slower and more reflective, our Liver energy is often a bit stagnated and out of balance.  Spring asks us to support our liver!  We often naturally gravitate towards this…starting our spring cleaning in our homes, getting on that liver cleanse we have been wanting to do, and even getting outside and walking more in the warmth.  Sometimes this time of year we don’t even realize we need this support.  Many of our patients begin to complain of feeling more irritable, frustrated, grumpy, getting headaches and even having allergies!  These are all signs that your liver is in need of support!  So…what can you do?

Besides getting acupuncture to support your seasonal transition and liver, eating sour foods, herbs and fresh leafy greens can be very helpful in gently detoxing the liver.  Fresh lemon water, mint, fresh sprouts, cooked kale, beets, goji berries, broccoli and mustard greens are just a few examples of supportive foods.  

Being on top of managing stress levels helps to take some of the burden off the liver as well.  Whether you do yoga, go for walks, meditate, get massage or acupuncture…healthy stress relievers are important for your liver health.  

Wondering if acupuncture could be helpful for you?  Call JJ for more information! 910-262-1122 ext 2 and she’ll be glad to chat with you about how we can help.
